Saturday, 20 September 2008

When you are in Slump !

This is one of the best inspirational speeches ever written for film
to get you out of a slump, delivered superbly by Al Pacino ,
from On Any Given Sunday directed by Oliver Stone.

"Now, what are you gonna do?"

Form Follows Emptiness or Waking Up (part 1)

By way of introduction let me state that Agent M is half asleep. A sleeping sentient, a sleep writer. Who wishes to wake up. Who like many has realised a kind of lucid dreaming quality to living reality. When you become aware that you are dreaming, the dream doesn't end, you just know its a dream, but then some new possibilities arise. Something is aware that if its only a dream there is another reality called AWAKE! Something stirs . Now you can stay in the dream and get lost in it , and I do all the time, or you can dream the dream and watch it at the same time. A kind of eyes wide shut meditation, difficult to maintain, or you can wake up, even more difficult.....still waking up is what this blog is about.

Waking up to what?

Well that is unanswerable. Words are not going to do it .The most enlightened mystics , the most inspired poets, crazy wisdom teachers down through the ages have done their best, far more eloquent than i, they can they only point to AWAKE. The Buddha did about the best job with the pointing out instructions, but he refrained from talking too much about what its like after you wake up. So waking up to the WHAT is not what this blog is about.

To the degree that we have awoken from this world we can compare notes, we all exist in one form or another and we all share the same present, but its not about waking up to

It is about waking up FROM............

And the from i would like to address here is suffering . The Buddha nailed it in one.

The dream wouldn't be so bad if when we were dreaming it we didn't suffer, but we all do to varying degrees, all sentients , througout time , everywhere.

Another word for the dream is the Illusion. We are living in the illusion of a reality.Waking up means seeing throught the illusion of things as they seem to be, and seeing things as they really are.
By seeing i mean realising , knowing, not believing in something.

What is so experiential about the Buddhas approach to waking up is that he starts wilh varifiable facts, that you yourself can know directly,he is not asking you to believe in something outside of your current experience, like Nivarna. He is not prosletising about a heaven that awaits you or promising something that he will do for you. You have to wake up to yourself, to your true nature, and you can begin to do just that exactly where you find yourself, right here right now. Sleeping.......

Samsara, this everyday ordinary world, IS the very place you wake up, with all its seeming distractions and with all of our attachments and aversions to them.

We all need some training in waking up , or at least I know I do, and i suspect that if you are reading this you already are practicing some kind of approach to realising Truth. My current primary source of wake up training is what I understand of Buddhas insights, but I got here by a long and circuitous path of teachings and of teachers, crazy and serious , experiences and experiments, and like you from simply being curious about the world around me.

Form Follows Emptiness is a precursor , a primer , a pointer , to a deeper more profound absolute truth and that is FORM IS EMPTYNESS - EMPTYNESS IS FORM which of course is the big wake up call of the HEART SUTRA.

Wake up to that one and you will know what waking up to the WHAT really is ....

The Pantheon

My absolute favourite pilgrimage site of antiquity stands in the Eternal City. Attributed to Agrippa,
constructed after the battle of Actium in 31 BC, the latin inscription on the facade is a generous
recognition by Hadrian, who in 125AD undertook a major organic reconstruction. If inspiring
architecture is frozen poetry, then the second you enter its massive doors you transfixed by its vast paneled Dome
& floating Oculus. I am sure the ancient gods of Roma paid homage to its beauty. Nothing prepares you for the transition from the square Piazza Della Rotunda to the Pantheon's interior, as you entered a vast sphere. The optical effect you experience is because the height of the Dome and the diameter of the interior floor, is the same, 43.3 metres.
All Domed buildings constructed since have their drawn their inspiration from this building, and for me what is truely
remarkable is that it has been in constant use for 2000 years. Just imagine who has walked in wonder over
the centuries. If you have never been, then prepare yourself.
1.Arrive at 0800hrs 2.Sip a sharp shot of expresso at Tassa d' Oro Cafe in the Piazza 3. Be at the entrance 0830hrs,
and you may be enlisted to help push open its massive bronze doors 4. Enter and let your spirit soar ! 5. Check out one very
famous Renaissance painter's tomb 6. Return and renew your spirit when ever you are in Rome.

Friday, 19 September 2008

Everything Changes for L Shakti with LOve

Nothing lasts forever
all things come & go
this earth it keeps on turning 
sometimes fast, sometimes slow

Ends are just beginnings
truths they turn to doubts
what you loose on the swings
you win on the roundabouts

Everything Changes
well thats what i've read
everything Changes
like the Buddha once said

Everything changes
yeh it really does
everything changes
just look at us ....

Cos everything changes
nothing gets away
everything changes
as night turns into day

Everything changes
and thats all i really know
everything Changes
the way all things seem to go

Everything changes
better get used to that
everything changes
cos thats where it at

Everything Changes
you bet it does
Everything changes
just looks at us ....

lyrics by Agent M

The Unbearable Heaviness of Stuff

"My hut lies in the middle of a dense forest,
Every year the ivy grows longer.
No news of the affairs of men,
Only the occasional song of a woodcutter.

The sun shines,
I mend my robe.
When the moon is out i read poems.
I have nothing to report to my friends.

If you want to find the true meaning,
Stop chasing after so many things!"


Gravity Rocks!

Rocks have personalities. There is something that calls you to certain stones on a beach.The shape, texture & feel of them in your hand instantly aligns you to mass and with it as you balance them one on top of the other - to gravity. All thoughts stop. The mind rests and allows the body to stack , balance and assemble as if in a dance. A gravity trance. If you are calm centered & patient, and if you allow the stones to fit themselves together as they want to , you end up building a sculpture. It is a great way to change a mood to access creativity and to do something different in the great outdoors, regardless if people see them or not , you don't really care. I have watched people walk right past them as if they were not there. Other people come up to me and stare.The next day they may be gone. Wind , birds , kids , a meteor on Mars. The impermanence of this art is a teaching not to get attached, but i can't resist taking a photo.  

The Migratory Urge of the Equinox

Almost the 21st September, the Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.Being here in Scandinavia i detect the urge that all migratory birds must feel.That desire to leave their spring/summer residence and head south. Well south west for me, to the crystal clear warm waters of the Yucatan. To the beach and a 2nd life in the Caribbean until the Spring Equinox rolls around next March.I check the Met reports for the mission on Sat maps, National Hurricane Centre & on my Earth Desk. 2 days out and i think i can make landfall before anything Cyclonic develops. Still i am aware that the wings of a butterfly in Brazil could start a Cat 5. I should ask one of those little birds on a wire preparing their flight plan what the forecast is. How do they navigate?  

Thursday, 18 September 2008

One with Everything

Man to the Buddhist Hot Dog vendor : "Make me one with everything" gives him $10, Buddhist Hot Dog vendor : Silence, gives him the Hot Dog, takes the $10,  Man to the Buddhist Hot Dog vendor : What about my change ?" Buddhist Hot Dog vendor " Change comes from within !"

This is it !!!

Except where you are , when you are , how you are & why you are, because THIS IS IT ! Then, and only then, can you change what is ...