Thursday, 15 January 2009

Final Approach to Run Way at St Barths

I have been formating my video files of clips i took of planes landing in St Barths Airport. 

I have been able to upload a clip of a plane on final approach on TRAVEL AGENT M (see links)

Pilots need what i would call A Finesse Upgrade to land on this remarkable runway, and i think the passengers need a strong rum & coke when the flaps go to 30 degrees. 

This is a shot of the runway from a hill that pilots have to drop over to touch down from an ocean approach.They have to gun it right 1st time or else. 

Check out the video you will see what i mean.

20 sec Sound Wave Meditation

I have finally worked out my video upload capability. Great! OK heres a little relaxing 20 sec Caribbean Sonic Ambient Wave clip to start with. 

If you are interested in Sound Wave Meditation and the enlightenment of Avalokitesvara (The Heart Sutra Bodhisattva dude) read my post on 11 Dec 2008.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Blessed are the Brick Layers & The Wisdom of Master Tensakis

- Blessed also be the Carpenters and the Painters.

When i was a boy my father dispensed the following taciturn advice: 

"M my boy ! you gotta get a trade  son' 

Uttered more i suspect at that time, with economic security in mind, than with any creative utilitarian aspiration for his wayward teen. His thinking which seems to be true today, is that tradesmen would always be in demand, always seemed to be busy and seemed by and large a contented lot. Baring Joe the Plumber.

I never did get me a trade, instead i became a Change Agent M.

But over the years the one trade like work detail that i have been enlisted for more than any other, is painting. Houses; inside and out, fences, studios, furniture and now a gym.

I have been pumping iron in this little gymnasium ever since i have been coming to Nassau, its under the house of my old friend Victor, and now thanks to him i have been assigned my latest painting detail.

When you are painting walls you get to acquire Attention Surplus Disorder. ( so its probably good therapy for any one with Attention Deficit Disorder ADD )You slow down your world to the speed of a brush stroke. After a while its a trance inducing experience. You are in da ZONE. You can park your speedy mind between thoughts, and in the words of 15 Century Kyoto Zen Haiku Painter, Nohdrips Tensakis:

"When Painting - Just Paint"

And that is what you do. Just paint, or lay bricks or carve wood.In a way you are both totally engaged with the world and totally disengaged from it.

You get a chance to be focussed on something else other than the constant stream of beckoning distractions that bombard you.

Well, I unparked my mind yesterday between brush strokes, and entered into a train of thought around this activity we do called 'Work'

A growing % of the the world's work assignments for people living in developed countries is centred around managing information & technology. How best to understand, dispense & use (more often distort) information, and how that process can be done at the speed of light with technology. 

The recent nano revolutions we have all seen in the shifting information age economy has opened up many new vocations for people that dosen't involve making anything with your hands. The work is done in your head and more often or not your head is inside a computer screen. At the end of the day you don't get to step back and look at what you have made. Least not in the physical universe where tradesmen and women work.

There is no discernable ARTIFACT to admire or critique.

Tradesmen, tradespersons ? know different. 

At the end of the day there is something that you have created with your hands. You have added a wall, a floor , a cabinet or in my line of dilettanti a new vibration in the color spectrum to an artifact already in existence.

I know everything is inter related in this complex world and this can't exist with out dat, as my favourite Shakespearean work metaphor states "ALL THE WORLDS A STAGE" and we all play our it Air Traffic Controllers, Financial High Rollers or Brick Layers. 

All important in their own ways. Though over the years the working tradesman has often been looked down on. Till you need um that is. Who has not valued the expertise of a plumber who knows how to unblock your swelling pipes. 

Blessed be the Plumbers too.
So with my mind unblocked yesterday whilst in da Zone i began ruminating on my fathers vocational guidance, and i had to admit there is something different about The ARTIFACT MAKERS.  

Something intrinsically good

What i mean by that is something perennial, timeless and therefore aligned to your transcendent integrated self. 

For making things demands ALL OF YOU to take part. 

If you love what you do, HAND aligns with HEAD aligns with HEART.

Emotionally: I find making things or in my case painting things transforms a bad mood (it probably dissolves in the paint)

Physically: The act of co-ordinating hand and brush with paint and object is a pleasant easy exercise to perform. Most other trades are far more physical demanding especially bricklaying for eg

Mentally: Having ZEN'd my work space, lined up my brushes i feel de- cluttered of rampant thoughts and can enter a small portal of order and peas inside the chaos of a turbulent loud world.

Then there is the discipline of completion. That in and of itself is a great virtue to acquire. It tends to get lost in other professions as you probably didn't initiate the project to begin with, and therefore have no sense of ownership.

"Always finish what you start." 

was another piece of tradesman like wisdom my father imparted. With my mother extending the work injunction by demanding that I:

"Clean up after you are done !"

So many other projects in life particularly ones begun with a mad flurry of mental synapses firing off like fireworks on the 4th of July remain 'Works in Progress' which is often a cop out for laziness, not finishing what you started.

Too many of these WIP's encourage future incompletions. 

There is often a bad taste to this in your gut, and these unfinished symphonies tend to haunt you and keep you awake at night like a bad lullaby sung out of key.

A trademan's life is full of the joys of minor and major completions. 

Many jobs that are simply  'Well Done'

Through a hards days GETTIN IT DONE ;ie constructing it,jigging it , banging it , tweaking it, picking it up putting it down, laying it on laying it out, measuring it cussin it, sweating it, making a mess and sometimes busting your ass so's it fits tightly ( unfortunate word smithing perhaps, but no pun intended...) will absolutely guarantee after a well earned ceveza or 2, an honest sound nights sleep.

Well i better finish this dam blog ( there's the cussin) which i see rhymes with slog ( and often artifact making is just that ) so i can finish my painting of that there gym.

So, if you are all over everywhere , trying to manage your information lost in nano space behind a screen and with nothing to show for your toil, make something with your hands for a change. 

Get into that garage and get the tool box out, make something, no matter what it is, you only risk hitting your thumb with a hammer. Haven't got a garage or a tool box? no walls to lay bricks?

Paint something. Something always needs a new coat of paint. 

Thing is to use your digits, your opposable thumb and forefinger for something else other than dancing on your Blackberry and Ipod.

Make a dam artifact. 

Then you can say 'I did dat' 

If nothing else you will feel a terrific sense of accomplishment, and you will sleep oh so well.

Blessed are the Bricklayers, Carpenters & Painters.

and the Plumbers

Hallelujah !

footnote: TV is always an illuminating litmus to what society and culture deems important, and what is of importance has entertainment value. I see that now there are many reality documentary like shows that deal with the Artifact Makers World on tv such as Dirty Jobs /MegaStructures/ How Things are Made. Most of these shows appear on Discovery & National Geographic Channels. This is great as people get to see this kind of work is done by somebody and is important in the bigger pic.

ps If you do decide to paint something be sure to:

'Line up your Brushes First' 

something i learnt from old Zen Master Tensakis.

pps It was also Tensakis who admonished his thirsty Haiku painting students in the tavern:

'When Drinking Saki - Just Drink Saki'

Ahh... the wisdom of the sages, down through the ages.

Monday, 12 January 2009

The Life Aquatic

Just back in fading light from a sunset paddle in the sea kayak to one of nearby islands.

Its one of the joys of living here, the ocean was calm and beckoned a visit. A bottle of water, a tangerine, bandana tied and i pushed off into the turquoise green. 

Didn't encounter any interesting marine life along the way, but just been out there was enough.

There is some thing almost trance like to the rythym of paddling in flat water, i love it, not just for the exercise but also for the chance of being at one with the Blue Planet. 

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Tropical Moonset

Early this morning after my Breathflex exercises on the beach i happened to turn around towards the west to see an incredibly beautiful Tropical Moonset.

The 1st full moon of 2009 is the biggest moon that will appear in the sky this year.

Its what astronomers call a Perigee Full Moon, when the elliptical orbit of the moon brings it 50,000 km nearer to the earth. The last full moon of 2008 in December was also a Perigee Full Moon, which was 14 % wider and 30% brighter than regular full moons. 

There are 2 Perigee moons each year, and upon seeing them they often take you by suprise in how different and gorgeous they actually look, even thought the moon is 360,000 km away from the earth. I think at times like these the cosmos wakes us up a little to the beauty and mystery that is constantly around us.

I remember early last year in Playa Del Carmen Mexico, i was standing on the terrace roof of my hotel and happened to see what i thought was a dark cloud drifting over a bright full moon that was shining in the February night sky. 

But it was a cloudless night, strange i thought and kept watching. As the night ticked on it turned out that a Total Lunar Eclipse was taking place, and the Yucatan had a full view position.

I quickly phoned a young astronomer i knew on the Rivera Maya who was enthusiastic about all things lunar to tell her to get outside and observe what was unfolding in the night sky.

Such are the wonders on Planet Earth

Go out tonight and see for yourself.