Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Perfect one day Beautiful the next !

There is something magical about the tropics, that kind of lulls you into a trance state of relaxed wonder. Back when i was growing up in Oz ´Perfect one day Beautiful the next´(or was it the other way around ?) was at one time the Queensland´s tourist commission branding tag line. Well it also fits the Riveria Maya. I must be aligned to these lazy latitudes now as i completed swimming freestyle the full length of the local beach early this morning. Last time i was here in Nov 07 it took me about 3 weeks to train up to. Its not that far maybe half a kilometre +, but i have´t swum for 6 months living in the European north, and so i was not expecting to do it so soon in 3 days worth of swims x 2 per day.I had vowed not to leave the island untill i had done it.When i travel i always do some kind of training.You can get out of shape very quickly when you travel for various reasons being On the Road as Jack Karouac called it can be challenging to your health & fitness.
Right now i am easing into my morning travel training routine. After a meditation , BreathFlex & Pranya exercises on the pier on the playa(more later on that system of exercise)i swim. I go back for another afternoon swim before sunset cevesas.Following Fit for Life eating system, which i always find easier to do in the tropics, haven´t quite got into a Mexican version of Paleo nutrition yet , more on that later.
Swimming is an absolutely delightful sensual total fitness activity , currently i am trying to learn more about reducing drag resistance in the water, rather than power stoking through it.The system of Total Immersion Swimming has a revolutiuonary technique for this. I have to find a course to learn.

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