Saturday, 18 October 2008

The Wheels of Samsara

Passing through yet another orbit of the sun on this planet is designated a birthday, well having just spun round uno mas i am contemplating the significance of it all. Birthday wishes from someone i love who has an incisive, humorous angle or two on meaning, amidst the pain & suffering, reminds me that we are like Hamsters in a cage eternally running on one of those spinning wheels. So today i went down to a pet shop to remind myself of the Hamsters world. While no Hamsters where engaged in this exercise i did get a good look at the cages and the wheels.
Fine pieces of work they are too, coming in many designs and colours, your upwardly mobile Hamster would be proud to call them home. And when ever they take to that wheel in a flurry of legs and arms peddling madly, they be sure to tell you that they are going somewhere, and somewhere important at that!

Well what's the difference with us humans? We are trapped in a kind of cage ( the fleshy mortal coil) confined to a world that appears to be important , where there is the illusion of freedom , where we go about year after year doing more or less the same thing, thinking we are getting somewhere. Deluding ourselves about what is important to do , to have , to be. What really matters when all of what you do happens inside a cage. So what is significant ?

This eternal spinning is what's significant. Just examine the physical set up for a clue or two. We are on a planet that is spinning on its axis while it spins around a sun that is spinning around a central point in our galaxy, a galaxy that is spinning around a central co ordinate in the cosmos. What's the cosmos spinning around? I wonder. Don't you ever get dizzy and want to get off?

On another level the Buddhists call it the wheel of Samsara. Its Karma that keeps the wheels turning. They have an 8 point plan to get you off the wheel and out of the cage. ACIM has got another 'No Spin' rescue pack. But there ain't no point in investigating these exit strategies until you realise that you are trapped , and going round and round in life, when you think you are going forwards to that eternal important something.

All these wheels within wheels, all this spinning. You know, a little Hamster in the pet shop told me that the business to be in here on earth is OIL. Keeps those wheels well lubricated, keeps those looney humans spinning around, birthday after birthday.

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