Monday, 22 December 2008

Carpe Diem !

If there is one person who knows how to 'Seize the Day' by the balls!
its my Buddy Carsten. After building a super successful empire of night 
clubs in Scandinavia, he is far from retired.

Spending his time, when he is not in Europe, 

between competing in the South Beach elite Volley Ball scene, and breaking the sound barrier in his Sunburst speedboat, he is motivating people by his energetic example to succeed in life, by Acting Decisively Now!

I just spent 3 inspiring exhilarating days with him.Muchas gracias amigo you are a great host.

pics: Serving an booming Ace, a need for speed in 'Cult' and a rare moment of repose in retreat to advance mode in the pool. 

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