Saturday, 13 December 2008

Happenness Part 3: WMD's Weapons of Mass Distraction

What i am coming to really understand with this Happen-ness thing is its relationship to the importance of doing nothing. At least for a while till you GET IT.

Doing nothing allows you to simply be. To become unhooked from the normal fixes in life that we look for to change our state.

Happiness is a state of consciousness that you can create sans anything to be happy about.And thats the point really and this is the challenge of being useless & idle.

We are so programed to stock pile WMD's. Weapons of Mass Distraction to fight the boredom in life, an illusory boredom that we have created by doing too much to escape ourselves. The more you 'do' the more you fight the 'not doing' the simplicity of being. 

So, i have been working at simply Being Happy. And this does take some work that i can attest to, at least in the beginning. With every distraction i begin to engage myself in that has the promise of feeling better i simply come back to feeling happy. Which will be the temporary end result of whatever the distraction leads to anyway. As soon as you do this the interesting thing that you will note, is that the importance of the distraction begins to fade, once the feeling of happiness has gained strength. The thought of the thing dissapears along with the promise of a future happiness.The WMD is no longer there. Was it ever? No , just a distraction.

Mostly I have been working with internal unwanted thoughts, worries, anxieties or things my mind throws up that will lead to happiness, or will take me away from it, making room for yet another distraction. 

What you have to do in the beginning is get a good sense of the pure feeling of HAPPINESS itself. Just feel it.If you have forgotten then recall something that brings you happiness, but when you do feel happy shift your focus from the object of happiness and onto the pure feeling of happiness itself.Then magnify it.Fan the flames.

Note that fighting unwanted thoughts with other thoughts in an effort to over ride them or illiminate them, is like putting out a fire with gasoline. This by the way can be undoing of a lot of Postive Thinking methods.

'To an alternative FEELING Go!' 

As master Yoda might say to Anankin Skywalker. Not to other thoughts, but to a Happy feeling. Thoughts maketh more thoughts ,and every distraction begins with a thought. 

Try it, but be sure you are able to access a Happy feeling on demand in times of no distraction.

Once you can just go there, just to the feeling of pure happiness you have to be vigilant, distractions will subvert you.So you have to put some energy into it. Fan the flames, keep happiness alive. 

In a way this is Acting. Acting as if you are happy. The method actor needs to go to a time in their lives when they were really happy and work it up into present time consciousness from there. If that works fine. Or just BE happy don't think at all just feel it.

I find when i am doing this through pure feeling my whole body language will adjust instantly, a faint smile comes to my lips, and i just feel good all over.Physical chemical changes initiated by the change in psychological feeling are obviously taking place, to produce feel good opiates and neurotransmitters that pump the happiness factor. If you feel happy you will for the most part think happy thoughts.

One of the ways i would sujest you start this process is by spending some time each day in abject idleness, be totally useless for while. 

See what that does to your mind. You will probably find your stockpile of WMD's

Pic of 2 teachers; neighbor's dog and tortoise. Going nowhere but Happy.

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