I just noticed i have written a 100 blogs. No big deal considering the output of the blogsphere, but it gave me pause to re evaluate what i am doing.
Today i spent some time uploading photos from I Photo to Picasa so i could display them as a link on this blog. In the process i got to know this AirMac a little better and create a bank for future image publishing. Thanks be then to all the techno-creatives who like Guttenberg made it happen for the man in the street.
Technology is boon for us all, and as little as i know about it, it has given me the oppotunity of exercising my writing hand in an outlet that for better or for worse is available to the public.
I have to admit i am enjoying it, even this cyber - hyper public process, albeit with a cloak of invisibility, which i know is not the purpose of a blog , but anonymity has does have its benefits.
Up until now i have been hesitant to having the blog becoming riddled with live links. So many i have seen are cluttered and conjested with hyperlinks.Its akin to a director making too many cuts in a film scene, sometimes you just want to stay with one shot and linger, and not get distracted by any other angle. Ditto with information.
In our hyper linked culture I am sure there is a direct correlation between the speed and number of edits in a modern day movie, to the rise of Attention Deficit Disorder. Sufferers of this concentration lack would be well advised to watch a little Andrei Tarkovsky, of even a Kubrik or 2 might prove cinematically restorative.
Now I am i have to admit an information junky, you should see my Bookmarks List, it stretches light years. But i am reluctant to link you with it as i suspect you might have information over load already. With my travel blog i have been a little more linkable and therefore in the blogsphere probably more likable.I guess i will probably begin to hyperlink this blog more as i go on with it, provided i can make a directors zen cut of the final edit.
I have also noticed that looking through this century of postings there is little commentary on world affairs or what reports to be da news. My Agent M header text sort of sums it up
'A world gone slightly mad'.
End of commentary.
I mean where would you begin?
I would rather use my giga bytes in this environment at least, coming up with a minimal shot montage to exit stage left, with a smile on my face, without creating too many lifetime hyper - links in the process. And playing my cameo in The Theatre of the Absurd with humor.
'All the world's a stage.' as Will once said.....
pic - An invisible audience applauding an invisible actor.
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