Thursday, 12 February 2009

The Great Escape

When i have had my early morning swim i sit on this lovely old Lancha and sort of M-E-R-G-E with the Oneness of it all for a few minutes.

The sound of the ocean, the sun rise , moon setting , birds flying over head, sand between my toes .......

A beach meditation you might say. Well I happened to notice the name of this boat is The ESCAPE 111 and it occurred to me that in a way my Merging Meditation is a kind of an escape from ? 

Well, my thoughts. 

We all DO a lot to escape ourselves Becoming One with It All is a way to transcend and include what ever is going on around you, thereby escaping the Existential Angst for awhile to Just BE in the momentito.

I wonder what ever happened to Escape 1 & 2 ? Guess they escaped.

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