Monday 18 May 2009



For as long as i can remember i have been starting my day with some form of energy exercise. Ever since my father taught me some simple 'Prana' breathing exercises he had learnt in the army, while stationed in India i have been experimenting with Tai Chi, Qi Gong and other forms of breath work.

Here is a series of 6 i have been working with for sometime now, very simple, very gentle, they are not really exercises more breathing moves.They will wake you up to the new day and refresh your mind body & spirit in an energising way.

You see in this video i begin standing feet together.First take 3 full yogic breaths - always breathing in and out through the nose.Breath slowly. Begin inflating the lower 'abdominal' part of the lungs first, then the mid section finally the top of the lungs. At the top of the breath pull the navel in towards the spine , hold for a count of 3 then release the breath in the reverse order top middle & lower lungs. 

Then begin the Breathflex moves.

1. Touch toes breathing out, stand up breath in
2.Arms out by your sides up on your toes on the in breath, breathe out returning to standing position
3.Feet apart swim into the sky, inhale going up exhale out as you bend your knees
4. Reverse this move, as you come down hold momentarily fully exhaled in the 'Horse Position'
5.Bending between your legs breathing in touch the ground, exhale as you learn back, flex the abdominals as you do.
6.Side to side swish of the arms breathing out as you rotate to the side going up on your toes.

On completion: Exhale fully and with palms together thank the sun and the air you are breathing.

Key points with this is to keep your self fully loose as you move and then slightly flex your muscles at the 'final moment' of the exhalation. This full body flex at the end of the out breath brings an energising dynamic tension to the whole body, then you glide through the movement on the inhaling/ exhaling breath.

Its a gentle routine , very adagio, musically think Baroque.The music is from Boroque Garden by Hemisync.

Go outside at sunrise & perform Breathflex early in the morning.Its calm and peaceful then and the air is pure. I recommend 3 rounds of each move to begin with, then work up to 6.

As a trial do this routine every morning for 30 days. Its a great start to a new day in a strange place, if you are on the move and traveling a lot. 

Feel the 'wake up' difference & enjoy your morning.

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