Saturday, 11 July 2009

It's Gonna Be Okay . . .

"It's Gonna Be Okay . . ." the Shadow Agent has been sighted in Rome - film coming soon - meanwhile this is A Portrait of the Pantheon also see A Statue's Lament

A Portrait of the Pantheon from Agent M on Vimeo.

Friday, 10 July 2009

A fish in the Piazza del Poppolo

Ciao Roma

Great to be back in Roma, just completed a film portrait of the Pantheon, eternally inspiring !

A Portrait of the Pantheon from Agent M on Vimeo.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Eternal Espresso

The travel bag is packed once more, as tomorrow i head to the eternal City to see friends & to make some new films. I will be hoping to catch site of the Shadow Agent again, i hear he likes espresso.
But the film i have been thinking a lot about recently is a portrait of the Pantheon, my favorite building in antiquity, its gonna be a challenge.