Etymology; from the Spanish Incomunicar to deprive of communication.
There is something in the anonymity of travel that does one of 2 things.It either creates an anxious frenzy of communication
to friends, family & associates to let them know where you are, and what you are doing , or it drives you deeper into the realisation that you don't really want to be that connected to the people who are in your life. At least for awhile. Some quite space might be healthy. Now here is a traveller's challenge that dawned on me many years ago that not that many people have had and it is this : Have you ever been anywhere on this planet where no one who you know , knows where you are ? For a week perhaps or even for a day ? Where you are completely Incommunicado with the world that you know, and that knows you. For people who have occasionally gone underground, dissapeared, dropped of the map, gone AWOL, like your reporting Agent, i can tell you it is a liberating experience. Once you have had it, you may finally get into direct communication with what is around you, where ever you find yourself. And more scarry than that, you might get into direct communication with yourself. Once achieved you can bring more of your real self home.Leaving the excess baggage behind.
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